That Time They Shut Sao Luis

Local people have not been following instructions and are going out and about more than they should, so the government has decided to impose total lockdown. Everything except supermarkets, pharmacies and the apparently essential bakeries has closed as of Tuesday. However, a quick drive past the local market here in Sao Bernardo shows many shops and stalls functioning as normal. Corner shops are open, albeit with rules of limited customers at a time and obligatory masks.


We have stopped activities at the workshop and are trying to keep our guys busy with a few internal tasks. We have made the most of recent weeks to make the most of a little more time to finish off some jobs and deliver them to our clients. For a better idea of wat goes on, check out the video that Victor, one of our apprentices made. There are a few videos on our channel to have a swatch of, now that lots of people have so much time on their hands!






Our team have had some time to do a few things in the community, including filling in some holes in the road.

Our church, like many others, has been doing its services online and continued to try nd help those struggling by delivering food hampers. The list of names our church sends round to pray for grows every day; some are those who are unwell, others are those who have lost someone. Several on both lists are known to us, the closest being the father of two girls from our church, one of whom was a schoolmate whose mum used to take Antonio to school as a favour for us last year. This virus is hitting hard and hitting close, including a nextdoor neighbour to the project who contracted covid-19. 291 people have died in our state and over 5000 cases have been confirmed. I would expect these numbers to be more like double in reality. In the state of Rio de Janieiro, nearly 3000 have died. Hospitals are full and supplies are lacking. We may not be over the worst.

Daniel and I really appreciate your messages, prayers and support at this time. The 4 of us are well. We are all in it together.