New Experiences

Last Wednesday was our first week of officially leading our smsll group and it seemed to go well. The themes are normally taken from the Sunday sermons at church but last week was different as there had been a visiting pastor. We had instead a nice and easy topic of submitting to authorities, using a bible text from the story of Moses (Numbers 16). There were discussions on different church denominations, what really counts as rebellion and how to go about disagreeing with authorities, all very interesting but we need lots of wisdom as we lead!

After church on a Sunday, each small group takes a turn at providing the refreshments after the service as these are sold to help the missions fund. Last Sunday, it was our group’s turn and everyone put in a great effort providing food and drinks and serving with much joy and unity.

Daniel had hoped to get the columns up at the workshop by the end of last week but a combination of rain and  a few people letting him down, has caused delays but hopefully he will get there in the next few days. We had more helpers again on Saturday levelling the land and enjoying being in communion together. We have been particularly impressed with the attitude of the young guys from the church who are helping. They often shown more interest and commitnent than their older counterparts. We have had offers from guys wanting to help and learn. Daniel’s studies using “9 Marks of a Healthy Church” have even drawn visitors!

The guys level the land

It has also been a big week for Antonio who started at nursery school. We were pleased to find an affordable Christian school recommended by friends (there aren´t many state nurseries for his age and the quality is poor). Although there were a few tears, he is settling well and by Day 4 there was no crying at all. He loves his uniform and his bag and one of his teachers is a neighbour across from the workshop which could be helpful. We’re sure the school will be good for his development overall, not least his spoken Portuguese.

It will soon be carnival time here in Brazil, something I (Linsey) have not witnessed before. I have already seen some street parties and dyed blue hair but I am sure I will see much strangeness, I mean culture, in the weeks ahead. I am sure there will be a future post all about it!

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